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Baseball Umpire Rules & Situations Instructional Videos

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60' Diamond Mechanics
is a primer for umpiring baseball with two umpires played on a diamond that has 60' bases.
90' Diamond Mechanics
is a primer for umpiring baseball with two umpires played on a diamond that has 90' bases.
Rules Made Easy
simplifies baseball rules through the use of special graphics and actual footage. AKA "Rules For Idiots"
See A Balk, Call A Balk
is definitive information on the baseball balk rule and its variations from the umpire and pitcher's perspective.
Behind The Plate
With John McSherry

is a tribute to one of the great umpires in major league history & a useful guide that provides insight for prospective umpires.
Handle It!
MLB manager Terry Collins and pro Umpire Al Kaplon review disputes & arguments in exclusive real baseball game situations captured with live sound.
Don't Show Me Up
is the sequel to Handle It! More inside perspective, philosophy and instruction on controversial plays from MLB Manager Terry Collins and Pro Umpire Al Kaplon.
How To Keep Score
in Baseball And Softball

So you want to keep score. You'll learn from video examples and graphic illustrations of real scorebook entries.
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